2015-04-07 03:54:44 UTC
Hi there,
It's been 10 months since our previous discussion on Flash [1] and the landscape has changed a lot for the better. Youtube has gone <video>[2][3] by default pretty aggressively and Google has started converting [4] Flash adwords on their own.
The overall change seems the biggest with audio streaming sites with the majority being plugin free now (see below). Flash has lost almost 1/3 of it's (homepage only) marketshare according to 1 rough estimate [5]. It's losing about 1% every 4 months, but I expect that to start slowing.
I think the Firefox 39/40 time frame makes some sense for having Flash go click-to-play*. It seems some sites just need a little more push to get them to go <audio> or <video> by default. I do believe Firefox usage is enough to push some of them (specifically to <audio>) and it doesn't appear to be nearly the "hill to die on" as it seemed 10 months ago.
Firefox 39 would let there be an almost full Aurora and full Beta test before it goes to release. It's also the same time async plugins is landing. Firefox 38, aside from seeming to aggressive is also going to be an ESR release and I'd prefer to give enterprises some extra leeway there.
Works today without Flash! - audio
grooveshark.com now works without flash, wasn't true 1 year ago
Doesn't work, unknown
last.fm - still requires flash for web play
spotify - seems like they recently went back to needing flash - https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Web-Player/Why-require-Adobe-Flash-in-Web-Player/m-p/1020725#M8871
deezer.com - unknown, not launched in US yet
rdio unknown
Works today without Flash! - video
Doesn't work without flash (or plugins)
Netflix - uses silverlight or EME, n/a
Amazon Instant - both flash and silverlight, so n/a
Comcast Xfinity Vidoes- both flash and silverlight, so again, n/a
Hulu - requires flash
twitch - requires flash
[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.plugins/PK237Yk1oWM
[2] Firefox 37 has MSE enabled for just youtube (and on Windows only - Vista+)
[3] YouTube now default to video (where MSE is available it seems)
[4] Adwords, auto Flash to HTML5
[5] 11.4% This month, 32% in 2009, 14.3% April 2014, 12.5% Nov 2014
* Just standard click-to-play, no fancy stuff like my previous proposal.
It's been 10 months since our previous discussion on Flash [1] and the landscape has changed a lot for the better. Youtube has gone <video>[2][3] by default pretty aggressively and Google has started converting [4] Flash adwords on their own.
The overall change seems the biggest with audio streaming sites with the majority being plugin free now (see below). Flash has lost almost 1/3 of it's (homepage only) marketshare according to 1 rough estimate [5]. It's losing about 1% every 4 months, but I expect that to start slowing.
I think the Firefox 39/40 time frame makes some sense for having Flash go click-to-play*. It seems some sites just need a little more push to get them to go <audio> or <video> by default. I do believe Firefox usage is enough to push some of them (specifically to <audio>) and it doesn't appear to be nearly the "hill to die on" as it seemed 10 months ago.
Firefox 39 would let there be an almost full Aurora and full Beta test before it goes to release. It's also the same time async plugins is landing. Firefox 38, aside from seeming to aggressive is also going to be an ESR release and I'd prefer to give enterprises some extra leeway there.
Works today without Flash! - audio
grooveshark.com now works without flash, wasn't true 1 year ago
Doesn't work, unknown
last.fm - still requires flash for web play
spotify - seems like they recently went back to needing flash - https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Web-Player/Why-require-Adobe-Flash-in-Web-Player/m-p/1020725#M8871
deezer.com - unknown, not launched in US yet
rdio unknown
Works today without Flash! - video
Doesn't work without flash (or plugins)
Netflix - uses silverlight or EME, n/a
Amazon Instant - both flash and silverlight, so n/a
Comcast Xfinity Vidoes- both flash and silverlight, so again, n/a
Hulu - requires flash
twitch - requires flash
[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.plugins/PK237Yk1oWM
[2] Firefox 37 has MSE enabled for just youtube (and on Windows only - Vista+)
[3] YouTube now default to video (where MSE is available it seems)
[4] Adwords, auto Flash to HTML5
[5] 11.4% This month, 32% in 2009, 14.3% April 2014, 12.5% Nov 2014
* Just standard click-to-play, no fancy stuff like my previous proposal.